Our classes are designed to give boys and girls confidence, coordination and creativity in a safe, professional environment.

With a major emphasis on FUN, our classes will be the highlight of your child’s week. 

Come and visit us to see why parents think that our preschool classes are the best introduction to dance for preschoolers.


DONALD: Tuesdays 10.00 – 11.00am

ST ARNAUD: Wednesday 4.30 – 5.30pm


STAWELL: Friday   9.30- 10.30 am Level 1

                  Friday 10.30- 11.30 am Level 2







READY SET DANCE is the perfect way to start developing the co-ordination skills that are the basics of dance classes. The JAZZ component of the class teaches preschoolers important developmental milestones like skipping, cross co-ordination and sequencing.

There is no denying that preschoolers these days are cool. They love to bust out HIP HOP moves. We have developed our very own hip hop songs like the ‘Ice Cream Freeze’ and ‘Hip Hop Italiano’ that our dancers absolutely love learning. Our MUSIC section has a strong emphasis on counting music, understanding tempo and exploring rhythm. We love to use musical instruments and parachutes to have fun learning music as a team.

Each lesson involves SINGING time on the microphone. Our little divas and rock stars just love to take their turn on their microphone and sing with their puppets. It’s very rewarding to see some of our shy students gradually gain confidence and sing individually on the microphone and introduce themselves to the class.

We know that the secret to learning TAP is to start early – It’s just like learning a language. That’s why it’s an important ingredient in our class. Our songs like the ‘Gumboot Splash’, ‘Jungle Bug Squish’ and the ‘Penguin Parade’ are fun exercises that teach us how to use our heels, toes and to learn how to shuffle. All these ingredients together create a super hour of fun!




We would love to see you come and try District Dance Studio for your self 

Please fill in the form below and one of our staff will be in contact with you to organise your first Ready Set  Dance Class.

Remember to include your child’s name, date of birth, and what styles they would like to try, as well as the best contact number for us to get back in touch with you.

Ph: 0412067930 – Email: